Monday, June 27, 2011

MYTH #2 Jesus is really the Archangel Michael in disguse

So in denyng Jesus is truly Jesus are you not disowning him as well?

(NWT)Matthew 10:33 but whoever disowns me before men, I will also disown him before my Father who is in the heavens.

If Jesus is the Angel Michael and not God, why didnt he correct Thomas when a lower level Angel corrected John?

When Thomas says "My Lord and my God" why doesnt Jesus correct him to only worship God like the Angels does to John in Revelations?

(All Scripture from the New World Translation)

(NWT)John 20:28 In answer Thomas said to him: “My Lord and my God!”

And in the very next verse does Jesus correct him? NO!

(NWT)John 20::29 Jesus said to him: “Because you have seen me have you believed? Happy are those who do not see and yet believe.”

But we see in Revelations that an Angel corrects John when he tries to worship him.

(NWT)Revelations 22:8 Well, I John was the one hearing and seeing these things. And when I had heard and seen, I fell down to worship before the feet of the angel that had been showing me these things. 9 But he tells me: “Be careful! Do not do that! All I am is a fellow slave of you and of your brothers who are prophets and of those who are observing the words of this scroll. Worship God.”

(NWT)Hebrews 1:5 For example, to which one of the angels did he ever say: “You are my son; I, today, I have become your father”? And again: “I myself shall become his father, and he himself will become my son”? 6 But when he again brings his Firstborn into the inhabited earth, he says: “And let all God’s angels do obeisance to him.”


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. "When Thomas says 'My Lord and my God,' why doesnt Jesus correct him to only worship God like the Angel does to John in Revelations?"

    If you said "OMG" to someone who had just told you something shocking or disturbing, are you calling that person "your God"? Of course not. If you had read more in the 20th chapter of John, you would have seen that Thomas' exclamation at John 20:28 was not addressed to Jesus, but to God, the one who resurrected Jesus from the dead. Consider the facts:

    At John 20:17, the recently resurrected Jesus had Mary deliver a message to his apostles, including Thomas. In the message, Jesus said: "I am ascending to my Father and your Father and to my God and your God." Did you notice that Jesus' God and Father was also Thomas' God and Father? So, later, when Jesus proved to Thomas that he had been resurrected, Thomas gave credit to Jesus' Lord and God, the one responsible for bringing Jesus back from the dead. After all, didn't Thomas' fellow apostle, Luke, say at Acts 2:32 that "this Jesus God resurrected, of which fact we are all witnesses"? So, was it necessary for Jesus to correct Thomas concerning who Thomas' God and Lord was? Certainly not!

    And one other thing. The apostle John, who recorded Thomas' exclamation, never viewed Jesus as his Lord and God. Just three verses after quoting Thomas exclamation, John wrote: "But these have been written down that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ the Son of God." (John 20:31) So, Jesus is the Son of God, NOT God.

  3. Wow, talk about confused.

    First off if Thomas was saying something like OMG (Oh my God) then Jesus was have told him not to use the Lords name in vain. When someone says OMG the reduce God to a word and nothing more. Look up the definition of "vain".

    Second, after Thomas says My Lord (capital "L") and God (capital "G") to Jesus, Jesus says "you believe because you have seen, blessed are they who believe and have not seen"

    You say John never called Jesus God, yet we see in Revelation, which is authored by John, that God and Jesus are the same Person, King (capital "K") of kings, Lord of lords (capital "L") that he is the Alpha and the Omega.

  4. "First off if Thomas was saying something like OMG (Oh my God) then Jesus was have told him not to use the Lords name in vain."

    Silly reasoning. First of all, "God" is not a name; it's a title. And, second of all, Thomas did not us that word in vain. When most people say, "OMG," they aren't even thinking of God. So, in their case, it is true that they use that word in vain. But not so with Thomas. When he said, "My Lord and my God," he was giving credit to God for fulfilling his word to bring his only-begotten Son, Jesus, back from the dead. As Acts 2:32 says: "This Jesus God resurrected, of which fact we are all witnesses." (Acts 2:32) Common sense should tell you that since it was God who restored Jesus to life, then Jesus couldn't be God. The two are totally different persons.

  5. "Second, after Thomas says My Lord (capital "L") and God (capital "G") to Jesus, Jesus says 'you believe because you have seen, blessed are they who believe and have not seen'"

    Jesus was not commenting on anything that Thomas said. Instead, Jesus rebuked Thomas for his "seeing-is-believing" attitude. (John 20:29) Earlier, the recently resurrected Jesus appeared to 10 of his apostles who had a meeting behind locked doors. (John 20:19)Thomas was not at that meeting. (John 20:24)So, later, when the other apostles told Thomas that they had "ssen the Lord," (John 20:25)he didn't believe them. Instead, he said: "I will certainly not believe" without physical proof. (John 20:25) Eight days later, Jesus gave Thomas the proof that he wanted. (John 20:27) Jesus then said to Thomas: "Stop unbelieving but become believing." (John 20:27) After witnessing Thomas' excited reaction, Jesus added: "Happy are those who do NOT see and yet believe." (John 20:29) In other words, Jesus rebuked Thomas for his lack of faith for not believing earlier that Jesus was now alive. The actual words that came out of Thomas' mouth were directed to God, not to Jesus. Unlike with you, Thomas was not so delusional as to think of Jesus as his God because Thomas:

    1. ...heard Jesus' message, saying that Jesus' God was also HIS God. (John 20:17)

    2. ...heard Jesus call his Father the "only true God." (John 17:3)

    3. ...heard Jesus say: "I am the Son of God," not God himself. (John 10:36)

    4. ...heard Jesus say: "The Father is greater than I am." (John 14:28)

    So, was Jesus Thomas' God? No. Jesus' God was Thomas' God. As Jesus said to Thomas and the others: "I am ascending to MY GOD AND YOUR GOD." (John 20:17)

  6. "You say John never called Jesus God, yet we see in Revelation, which is authored by John, that God and Jesus are the same Person, King (capital "K") of kings, Lord of lords (capital "L") that he is the Alpha and the Omega."

    Doesn't the trinity doctrine say: "We worship one God IN TRINITY"? So, how can Jesus and God be the same person since the supposed triune deity is composed of three persons, but Jesus is only one person? Can you explain that to me please?

  7. One other thing about the Alpha and Omega. If God is "a unity of three persons," shouldn't Scripture say that all three "persons" are the "Alpha and Omega", instead of only Jesus, as YOU say he is? Can you show me just one verse where the holy spirit is called the "Alpha and "Omega"? And while you're at it, please show me one verse where the holy spirit is called "King of Kings and Lord of Lords."
